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What to Expect from a Change Management Consulting Company
April 4, 2022 at 9:30 PM
Image of a business owner working a change management consultant company.

The first step towards implementing organization-wide change in your business is recognizing space for improvement. But it can be hard to navigate where to go from that first step. Even in dynamic and unpredictable markets, businesses that outsource what they don’t know to experts continue to thrive. Change management consulting companies help organizations navigate transformation to optimize their operations, change corporate culture, and implement new messaging and policies. When you meet with a change management consulting company, here’s what to expect.

Goal setting and a vision of the future

One of the most valuable benefits of working with a change management consulting company is honing your vision of the future for your organization. You may know that you need to move into new markets, pivot your organization, or implement DEI but not be able to articulate specifics.

Consultants partner with leadership to develop a vision of the future and then translate it into actionable short- and long-term goals. Even when you know change is necessary, it can be hard to picture what you want your organization to look like on the other side of transformation. The Simmons Advantage will articulate what success looks like for your organization and then help you set goals to achieve it.

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View your company through the lens of adaptive leadership

Transformation doesn’t mean changing everything about your organization. An outside consultant can identify the values, skills, and behaviors that make your company stand out from the competition. At the same time, a successful transformation depends on a willingness to adjust the aspects of your work culture that don’t align with your goals.

Adaptive leadership involves ongoing reflection by management and the C-suite to identify and isolate organizational aspects that aren’t working in support of your goals.

Cooperative development of a change management plan

A change management consulting company provides the benefit of experience to its clients. When an organization identifies a need for change, it’s likely they haven’t been through the process before. Consultants bring proven strategies and management plans that can be customized to an organization’s goals and aspirations.

A change management plan evaluates an organization’s readiness to transform and risk analysis. It also addresses every aspect of a company’s transformation, from implementation to institutionalization.

Stakeholder engagement and communication

One of the critical aspects of successful internal change for an organization is stakeholder engagement. Change management consulting companies have experience guiding stakeholders through a transformation with clear communication and consistent updates.

When experienced consultants partner with leadership, you can bring stakeholders into alignment with your goals for the transformation. Change management enables you to be proactive in addressing potential issues before they disrupt the process.

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Setting and tracking progress metrics

Essential to effecting change throughout your organization is tracking the progress you’re making in your transformation. Knowing the right metrics to track is critical to understanding the process. However, change management consultants don’t abandon a business after change adoption.

Following the deployment of changes, consultants continue to provide data analysis and make the most minor and significant adjustments to ensure an organization is progressing towards its goals.

The Simmons Advantage is a change management consulting company helping clients affect lasting internal change.

The Simmons Advantage helps companies align their business goals with accountability to every member of their organization through diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging. Our lead consultant, Kwame Simmons, Sr., comes from decades of experience leading schools through transformation to success. He’s learned processes and values that transcend industries. At the core of our work is the unwavering belief that every member of an organization can dominate their profession.

Instigate transformation within your organization for future success by meeting with Simmons Advantage change management consulting.

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